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Gisele Trink

the person...

"I am driven by challenges, I work even with a sparkle in my eyes, focusing on results and making them happen, organizational transformation, talent development and results generation, this is my mission." 

I'm Isaac's mother, 4 years old, passionate about career development, business productivity and results! I really like to learn constantly and I feel accomplished when I am developing people and companies, this is my purpose, I work with the sparkle in the eyes of those who have learned that more than processes, all improvement depends 80% on people.

That's why in the last 2 years I went into a deep process of self-knowledge, and I discovered my real mission, from there I started to dedicate myself to skills that are not technical, but also behavioral, improve my relationships, my communication, leadership , carrying out social projects, focusing on the other and not only on myself, all this has transformed my life and today I feel very confident that in practice I am able to add a lot to PEOPLE AND COMPANIES.

This is how Trink Gestão na Prática was born, Our purpose is: To inspire and elevate human potential, revolutionizing business management. The Revolution is: The right people in the right places, development of high impact in the mentality and behavior pattern of the teams, transformation and simplification of the routine, excellence in management.

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behavioral profile analyst


Greenbelt: Process Improvement Specialist


ONA Hospital Certification Evaluator


It is with great pride that we present our new visual identity, another step in our evolution.

The process of creating this new brand and its elements is the result of more than 60 days of work looking at ourselves and everything that Trink Gestão represents.


Our new icon refers to the letter T, represented by elements in color movements that symbolize pink (inspiration) and blue (management), aspects that have everything to do with us: evolution, transformation, inspiration and constant movement. We still have a lot to share about this new moment, but here is the beginning of a new journey for Trink Gestão na Prática.

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